There is something which we all have in common and that is to find a place of solitude from time to time where we can go to reset the biological clocks by hitting the default button. We need a place which takes us back to where sunrises and sunsets become part of our lives again, where midday becomes a time to have a seaster and rest. Here you can live where family bonds are strengthened again and you get to open up dialogue to share ones thoughts with each other rather than rushing to the next meeting or appointment and watching the latest TV show. Food can be made with organic vegetables grown on the farm using water collected yourself by taking advantage of the boreholes found on this farm. This is a time when the importance of women is demonstrated again where their opinions regarding food takes precedence.This farm offers a few existing rustic homesteads which can be taken advantage of or you can build something new to make your life a whole lot more “comfortable” while “re-booting”. There are areas which must still be visited where lapa’s can be built to share with family and friends in an environment very people have the opportunity to experience.The reality is that the farm has easy access to Ceres for shopping but is far enough out of town to offer you the chance to have deep relaxation which is the idea at the end of the day.Call me today to discuss the property in more detail.Price: R5 950 000.00